Bike Exif

The inspiration and ideas for builds has to come from somewhere, usually its from magazines such as Back Street Heroes and websites such as and Bike Exif website features customs bikes from all over the world and every few days the site finds a new build and has an article about the bike and its builder. Thousands of people troll throught the website everyday admiring the new builds. Bike Exif also holds a facebook page where they post even more features on bikes and other bike related items. A few days ago the Bike Exif facebook page held a Project & Garage competition in which builders send a picture and a small article on themselves and bike. Well Character only came second!! After a day on whining, Mackenzie finally caved into Luke and posted a picture of the shed and Character to Bike Exif.

The boys were over the moon and told everyone and anyone. Not bad for first timers eh? Even got some likes, comments and shares!