With Mackenzie being back at university the build will be slowed down to unforgiving pace unfortunately. This, as you can imagine makes a grumpy Mac! Get a grip Mac!
So progress made was the engine being treated to a colour make over! Matte black crinkle paint with polished cases and rocker covers. After the paint dried and wrinkled nicely the engine was then treated very nicely to a complete rebuild, full gaskets, valves, springs, colletes etc., cam chain and tensioner, 300cc barrel and piston.
For an extra bit of jazz, the starter motor got a polish and a treating of matte red wrinkle paint.
The engine was the placed back in the frame to mock up the top engine mount. This was simply made from a cut piece of the orginial GN top engine mount, welded to the underside of the top frame tube and a second piece was cut out to make part of the mount removebale.
After that was done Luke decided to put one of his beloved tanks (the guy has a tank fetish, no joke!) on the frame just to see what it looked like.
To much suprise the mini Sportster tank looks a treat. Although slightly smaller then the original custom GN tank, it fits alot better with no holding modification haviing to be really made and it now shows the polished rocker covers! What a result! The GN tank will now be put in the arsenal of future project resources so its a win win situation ofr the CC boys.
Next up is the dreaded carb mount, unfortunalty the wretched thing has to poke out the side! So stay tuned for the next update!
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