
A huge apology has to made due to the lack of work. With Mackenzie in his final year at university, building and riding bikes are a pipe dream at the moment. However finishing in university in early May a promise will be made to keep busy with bikes! All of course will be shared!

Yet another bigger apology has to made. With (supposed) help with videos and pictures from the Google+ app, blogging was meant to be a doodle. Yet in true techno tradition it all fucked up big time, stripping the entire blog of all pictures and videos. All two years of the CC boys blogged work. Bollocks.

So fuck you Google+. And fuck you complicated technology.
(Pictures to be painstakingly put back up when free time is available)

1 comment:

  1. Ah what a load of gash!! Keep at it lads - drive one nail every day!
